
JICA desarrolla re-evaluación del potencial geotérmico de Baringo-Silali, de GDC en Kenia

Lake Nakuru, Baringo, Kenya (source: flickr/ Franco Pecchio, creative commons)
carlos Jorquera 14 Feb 2017

Como parte de un amplio apoyo en la revisión del Master Plan de GDC, la Japonesa JICA entregó un informe preliminar acerca de la re-evaluación del potencial geotérmico de Baringo-Silali.

(PiensaGeotermia en”modo vacaciones”)

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been assisting the Geothermal Development Company in Kenya on a review of its Master Plan. Now JICA has delivered a draft report on the re-evaluation of the geothermal resource potential of the Baringo-Silali geothermal development block of the company.

JICA utilized additional geo-scientific techniques to complement the work that GDC had already done in the fields within the Baringo-Silali Block. JICA therefore undertook detailed surveys in Korosi, Chepchuk and Paka. Scientific data from Arus and Baringo was also re-valuated while in Silali, JICA undertook information collection with no analysis yet.

Details about the findings have not been released yet.

Source: GDC  // ThinkGeoEnergy